

Dioxins can be spread in the air and settle on soil or underwater sediment, where they can enter the food chain and be absorbed by plants, eventually ending up in the bodies of animals and humans, it said, adding that 90 percent of dioxins detected in humans are attributable to food consumption, including dairy products, fish and eggs.

Dioxins are fat-soluble and accumulate in fat, so if people lose weight and avoid food high in fat or oil, they are likely to reduce their levels o各家銀行信用貸款比較f勞保局勞工紓困貸款 dioxins, and also reduce their risk of d台灣銀行房貸試算e土地銀行公教信用貸款veloping cardiovascular disease, Taipei Veterans General Hospital toxicologist Yang Chen-chang (楊振昌) said.台新整合負債

Laboratory tests showed that eggs sold by a distributor in Miaoli County had dioxin levels exceeding allowable limits, with the eggs traced to three chicken farms in Changhua County, the administration reported on Friday.

The administration said that since 2004 it has began inspecting food products that are mo勞保貸款專案re likely to accumulate dioxins, including meat, eggs and da台南小額借款iry products.

The adm台新銀行2胎房貸inistration issue勞保貸款資格d a recall, with all vendors required to comply by 3pm on Saturday.

Dioxins are highly toxic compounds that include 75 types of polychlorinat台灣銀行貸款利率ed dibenzodioxins and 135 types of dibenzofurans and are formed in the burning or production of chlorine-based chemical compounds, the administration said.

As of 2pm yesterday, the agency said 688 retailers and eateries that had purchased the eggs from the three farms and their four down-stream distrib勞保貸款率利2017申請日期u各家銀行中古車貸利率台新信用貸款率利t各家銀行車貸利率比較2017ors had been inspected, and 6.785 tonnes of eggs had been removed from shelves.台灣銀行留學貸款土地銀行公教貸款


“Long-term exposure to dioxin can increase the risk of developing several types of cancer, including lymphoma and lung cancer,” Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital nephrologist Yen Tzung-hai (顏宗海) said.

By Lee I-chia / Staff repor勞工貸款106年ter

Following the recall of nearly 7 tonnes of eggs over fears they contain high levels of dioxin, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday said it has inspected 688 retailers and eateries and found them to be free of the questionable produce.

Dioxins were detected in goose eggs i台新車貸試算各家銀行信用貸款利率比較n Changhua County in 2005, but last week’s case was the first time dioxin residues exceeding legal limits have been found 土地銀行勞工低利貸款i勞保局勞工貸款率利2017n chicken eggs.

As the agency is focused on tracing the origin of the diox土地銀行公務人員貸款ins found in the latest case, it will also consider expanding its 台新信貸條件台灣銀行借款利率eggs inspections, administration Dir台中市汽車借款e土地銀行勞工貸款ctor-General Wu Shou-mei (吳秀梅) said.

新聞來源:各銀行貸款利率比較TAIPEI TIMES

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